Hello and welcome to the new site!

Well, here we are again, starting yet ANOTHER website. Having been blogging over the past 15 years, on and off, on my photography site, I have recently revived my desire to share my words and images again on what I hope to be, a regular schedule. I ramble a bit about my challenges with wordpress, my migration to Squarespace, my list of current sites like this one, and my decision to dive right back into the deep end of wordpress again over here on this post.

So THIS site, the name inspired by my own cat. will be a place that I share my travel stories. Not to completely repeat what I mentioned on my MDSimages site in a recent post, here is a repeat of that exact post LOL!

camera, photographs, souvenir-1130731.jpg


A name I originally came up with before TheRoamingCats one (a site where I dabble in the world of AI creations) to give a little back story. I have been working on the theme template and layout of this one for a little bit. After complaining about wordpress for a few posts here, I find myself back in the deep end of this platform once again! I know, strange isn’t it?

Well, I am always up to learning new things and after starting a new Bluehost account and directing a domain or two to the new host, it looks like I am diving back into the deep end again. Will make the site live soon, but for now, a bit about my intentions:

      • The site will be all about travel

      • I will begin by repurposing some travel posts from the MDSimages site

      • I will create with the help of AI, some new info rich posts of locations

      • Sharing the sites and journeys of others. Possible podcast or zoom type interviews of other travelers?

      • I will also post here of future trips both by myself and with a cat!

      • I plan to post every Monday here, even before I launch the site

      • Eventual goal is once again, to be info and content rich but also a site I hope to monetize in the not too distant future.

    So, that’s it in a nutshell. I have not published this site live yet, and am still getting used to the new tools here on this newly created site, but we are off and running!

    I’ll come back next week with a link to a few people and site that have inspired me to share this new site. Glad to have you along as I tweak things, figure this out, and bumble my way through. Lets enjoy the journey!